Dale Duda, Market Manager, President, IL Certified Market Manager
Juliet Ziak, Assistant Market Manager, Treasurer, IL Certified Market Manager
Carol Currie, Secretary
Bonnie Burnett
Fred Franz
Charles Mann
Melissa Morreale
David Riguzzi
We're your neighbors. Please contact us if you are interested in shaping your local farmers market. Meetings are minimal, but mighty! Email us at NorthbrookFarmersMarket@gmail.com
First come, first served with preference for local groups. For a reservation form, click on the Find out more button below.
June 18: Opening Day
June 25: Northbrook Park District
July 2:
July 9: North Shore Senior Center
July 16:
July 23: Northbrook Civic Foundation
July 30:
Aug. 6: Northbrook Garden Club
Aug. 13: Border Tails
Aug. 20:
Aug. 27: Lubavitch Chabad of Northbrook
Sept: 3:
Sept. 10: Northbrook Historical Society
Sept. 17:
Sept. 24:
Oct. 1: Northbrook Woman's Club
Oct. 8: Closing Day and L'il Pumpkins
First come first served. Please contact Kathi at the Chamber office for more information and a reservation form.
June 18: Opening Day, not available
June 25:
July 2:
July 9:
July 16:
July 23:
July 30:
Aug. 6:
Aug. 13:
Aug. 20:
Aug. 27:
Sept: 3:
Sept. 10:
Sept. 17:
Sept. 24
Oct. 1:
Oct. 9: Closing Day, not available