Opening Day is Wednesday, June 18!
Opening Day is Wednesday, June 18!
We're Northbrook Farmers Market
Established in 2009, Northbrook Farmers Market is operated by Northbrook Farmers Market Association (NFMA) , an all-volunteer, tax-exempt, nonprofit organization.
Come get your Wednesday Love!
Learn more about the NFMA by clicking on the button.
Local nonprofit community and service groups are invited to join us once per season to publicize their good works, recruit new members, collect contact information, etc. Reservations are based on first-come, first served. No charge. Go to More Information to see available dates.
We also offer a free table for members of Northbrook Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
We are a charitable organization that depends on sponsors and grants to help fund our many programs. All donations are tax deductible and are used 100% toward furthering the goals and objectives of the market. If you are a local business and would like to join our team, please contact us at
Northbrook Farmers Market accepts SNAP benefits and doubles the value.
If you are a Link card holder, come to the Welcome Booth to withdraw funds from your account to spend at the market. We will match up to $25 FREE each time you swipe your card.
To find out if you qualify for SNAP benefits (formerly food stamps) and how to obtain a Link card, click here.
We also accept Senior Farmers Market Coupons and WIC vouchers.
We partner with Northfield Township Food Pantry to collect fresh fruits and vegetables for their clients. At the end of each market day volunteers collect fresh, locally grown produce donated by our farmers. The hard-working volunteers bring the food to the pantry every Wednesday afternoon, where clients are lined up in anticipation of receiving the fresh produce. At our Summer Stock Day we also collect dry goods to restock food pantry shelves with much needed items such as toilet paper, diapers and paper towels. Are you interested in helping? Contact
Friends of Northbrook Farmers Market (aka Onion Heads) is a partnering group of enthusiasts who volunteer to promote the market and its mission and goals.
Contact us for a Membership Form to become an official Onion Head. It's really easy!
Onion Heads "duties" include planning programs and spreading the word--both in-person and through social media--about our wonderful farmers market.
We'd love to hear from you! Get our 30-second newsletter--only farmers market news and nothing else!
Do you have questions or comments? Send us a message, and we will get back to you soon!
Wednesdays: 7am - 1pm, rain or shine, except in severe weather
Meadow Shopping Plaza parking lot, corner of Cherry & Meadow, downtown Northbrook